Thursday, July 19, 2007

Michael "Con" Vick, "Depriciated" Bonds, and Jerry "Ying" Yang: A Chris Berman Blog Title

The NFL is light years ahead of any other sport in it's popularity. It's television ratings and revenue are unmatched for any other sport. There is absolutely no debating it. Yesterday, the face of a franchise, Michael Vick was indicted on charges that he is involved in a dog fighting ring. Dog fighting. Really? Apparently 40,000 people in the U.S. are involved in this "sport". What kind of sick, twisted individuals are these people?

With a day of reflection, I've seen that some of the arguments that support dog fighting claim that it's part of inner-city or black culture. Although these people are the vast minority, they are completely wrong. I'm not even a dog owner, yet I can't avoid grimacing when I hear or see details about this "sport". Like most Americans, I had no idea that this even existed. The good of this case is, that hopefully, people involved in dog fighting will be eradicated and have much harsher punishment than what they have now.

Let's not make the mistake of innocent until proven guilty here. I completely understand that this IS policy in all civilian trials, but let's be real. (Random voice from above: "BE REAL SON!")

Michael Vick is an asshole. Correction: Asshole. Seriously, wouldn't you rather have a drug addict at QB? At least a drug addict can rehab and pee his illness out. Michael Vick is a sick, sick human being. You can't cure stupidity. Risking his multi-million dollar contract for a few thousand on some dog fights. Unforgivably dumb. You can throw his brother Marcus into the label as well. Together, they are a perfect example of why bad or stupid human beings should not be allowed to breed. What parent raises kids like this? If I were President, there would be mandatory breeding laws. Certain people should not be allowed to breed. Low IQs? Too evil? Well guess what?...You don't get the privilege of....@%#%ing. Crime would be down, IQs would be up, poverty almost non-existent. This will never happen, but I thought it might be worth mentioning here. Marcus and Michael Vick are both an absolute disgrace to humanity. Blame mom. I don't care how hard it was being single and poor, she clearly sucked as a mother.

How guilty is he? This is not like the Duke Lacrosse scandal. There are NO conflicting reports. Also, it is not a county DA's big brother himself, the federal government. FACT: 90% of all people indicted by the Fed, settle out of court. FACT: Of the 10% of the cases that do go to trial, there is a 95% conviction rate. With that said, don't even attempt to give Vick the benefit of the doubt. He's an ASSHOLE.

On to Barry Bonds. Guess what! I want him to break the record...soon! 2 reasons...both kind of selfish. 1. I picked him up in the 12th round of this year's fantasy baseball draft and he has far exceeded expectations...19 points today with his 2 home runs! 2. The sooner he gets past Hank, the less we have to see: ESPN "Chasing Aaron" scrolling along the bottom line of ESPN, highlights on SportsCenter of every half-important AB, or the famous "Chasing Aaron" popup that comes across the screen every friggin' time you try to see the MLB scoreboard for the day. I love ESPN, but c'mon people. That's all about that. I hate him, but I root for him for selfish reasons.

Last, but not least, congratulations to Jerry Yang...this year's winner of the World Series of Poker Main Event. He's a psychologist from Temecula, CA. When this comes out on television, I'm not sure but, it could shatter the unintentional comedy scale. He's not as big of a tool as Jamie Gold, but at 5'3 he has to stand up on A LOT of pots to intimidate the other players. He played very aggressively and also very intelligently at the final table. I'm not sure anybody could have done any better.

This is Chris Berman reporting, ESPN NEWS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vick is a sexual deviant. he got off on watching dogs raped and got off on the violence and the blood. he is not sick, he's evil. What I feel worse about is that he doesn't even get it, he doesn't even care except that he won't be able to be rich, worshipped, and famous anymore. He doesn't care about the pain he's inflicted on humanity throughout the world.